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3 simple steps for best Juicy Air Fryer Whole Chicken

air fry whole chicken
air fry whole chicken

Air fryer whole chicken-Air fryers have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to cook delicious and healthy meals quickly and easily. One dish that has proven to be particularly successful in an air fryer is a whole chicken. With an air fryer, you can cook a juicy and flavorful chicken that is crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, without any added oil or fat. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to make the perfect air fryer whole chicken.

This Recipe for air fryer whole chicken is split into two parts, the first is for tips, suggestions, instructions, and why you should make a whole chicken in air fryer. and the second part for the recipe card to save or print it. You can jump directly to the air fryer whole chicken recipe from here.

Tips and suggestions for air fryer whole chicken recipes

  1. Size Matters: Make sure your whole chicken fits comfortably in your air fryer. If it doesn’t, you may need to spatchcock (remove the backbone and flatten) the chicken to fit.
  2. Use Seasoning: A simple seasoning blend of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika can go a long way in enhancing the flavor of your chicken. You can also add herbs, such as rosemary or thyme, to the seasoning mix for added flavor.
  3. Temperature is Key: Make sure your air fryer is preheated to the correct temperature (375°F) before adding the chicken. This ensures that the chicken will cook evenly and thoroughly.
  4. Flip the Chicken: Flipping the chicken halfway through cooking will help ensure that both sides cook evenly and that the skin is crispy on both sides.
  5. Use a Meat Thermometer: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken to ensure it reaches at least 165°F. This is the safe minimum temperature to kill any harmful bacteria in the meat.
  6. Let the Chicken Rest: Letting the chicken rest for 10 minutes before carving and serving allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and moist chicken.
  7. Customize the Flavor: Experiment with different seasoning blends, and herbs, or even stuff the chicken with lemons, onions, or garlic for added flavor.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can ensure that your air fry whole chicken is cooked to perfection and full of flavor.

whole chicken fryer recipes

Cooking an air fryer whole chicken comes with a range of benefits, some of which include:

  1. Healthier Option: Air fryers use hot air circulation to cook food, making it possible to achieve crispy skin without adding any oil or fat. This makes cooking an air fryer whole chicken a healthier option than traditional frying methods.
  2. Faster Cooking: An air fryer can significantly reduce cooking time than cooking a whole chicken in an oven. The hot air circulating around the chicken helps to cook it evenly and quickly.
  3. Juicier and More Flavorful Chicken: The circulating hot air in an air fryer helps to seal in the natural juices of the chicken, resulting in more succulent and flavorful meat. You can also add herbs, spices, or even lemon wedges to the chicken cavity to further enhance its taste.
  4. Versatile: Air fryers can cook a variety of foods, including whole chicken, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
  5. Easy to Clean: Cleaning an air fryer is a breeze, with most models featuring non-stick surfaces that require minimal effort to clean.

In summary, cooking air fryer whole chicken is a healthier, faster, and more flavorful option compared to traditional methods. It’s also a versatile cooking appliance that can be used to cook other foods, making it an excellent investment for any home cook.

Serving with Air fryer whole chicken

Many delicious side dishes can be served with air fryer whole chicken. Here are some ideas:
  1. Roasted vegetables: Serve the chicken with a side of roasted vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, or Brussels sprouts. Coat the veggies in oil, salt, and pepper, and roast them in the air fryer while the chicken is cooking.
  2. Salad: A light salad can be a refreshing complement to the rich flavor of the chicken. Toss together some greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and your favorite dressing.
  3. Mashed potatoes: Creamy mashed potatoes are a classic comfort food that pairs well with roasted chicken. Boil some potatoes until tender, mash them with butter and milk, and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Gravy: A rich, flavorful gravy can take the chicken to the next level. To make gravy, mix a tablespoon of flour with some chicken stock and whisk until smooth. Heat the mixture in a saucepan until thickened, and season with salt, pepper, and herbs.
  5. Rice: Fluffy, steaming rice is a simple and versatile side dish that can soak up the chicken’s juices. Try jasmine rice, brown rice, or wild rice.
  6. Bread: A fresh loaf of bread can be a satisfying accompaniment to the chicken. You can even make your own bread in an air fryer if you have the right recipe!

Remember to experiment with different flavors and textures to find your favorite combinations. And don’t forget to enjoy the delicious air fryer whole chicken as the star of the show!

Do you want to keep your air fryer clean while cooking?

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Most asked questions about whole chicken fryer recipes

Can I use a frozen whole chicken in air fryer?

It is not recommended to use a frozen whole chicken in air fryer. It’s best to thaw the chicken first before cooking it in an air fryer. Cooking a frozen chicken in an air fryer can result in uneven cooking, with the outer parts of the chicken overcooking while the inside remains frozen. Thawing the chicken first ensures that it cooks evenly and thoroughly. To thaw a whole chicken, you can place it in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours or until fully thawed. Alternatively, you can thaw it in cold water by placing it in a leak-proof plastic bag and submerging it in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until fully thawed. Once thawed, you can then proceed to cook the chicken in your air fryer.

whole chicken in air fryer

Can I cook a stuffed whole chicken in air fryer?

It is not recommended to cook a stuffed whole chicken in air fryer. The stuffing inside the chicken may not cook evenly in the air fryer, and it can potentially become a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s best to cook the stuffing separately in the oven or on the stovetop, and then stuff it into the chicken after it’s been air-fried. Alternatively, you can season the chicken with your favorite spices or herbs and cook it without any stuffing in the air fryer for a delicious and healthy meal.

Can I use oil to cook a stuffed whole chicken air fryer?

Yes, you can use oil to cook a stuffed whole chicken in an air fryer. However, it’s important to use it sparingly, as too much oil can cause the chicken skin to become greasy and not as crispy. You can lightly brush or spray the chicken with oil before cooking, which will help to crisp up the skin and keep it moist.

When using oil to cook a stuffed whole chicken in air fryer, it’s best to use a high smoke point oil such as vegetable, canola, or peanut oil. These oils can withstand high temperatures without burning or smoking. It’s also important to choose an oil that is neutral in flavor, as you don’t want the flavor of the oil to overpower the chicken or the stuffing.

To use oil to cook a stuffed whole chicken in air fryer, simply brush or spray a small amount of oil over the chicken before cooking. Be sure to coat it evenly to help the skin crisp up and to keep the chicken moist. Remember that a little oil goes a long way, so use it sparingly for the best results.

How long does it take to cook an air fry whole chicken?

The cooking time for an air fryer whole chicken can vary depending on the size of the chicken and the specific air fryer model. However, as a general guideline, it usually takes around 40-50 minutes to cook an air fryer whole chicken. To ensure that the chicken is cooked through, it’s important to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken.

To determine the exact cooking time for your air fryer whole chicken, follow these steps:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F.
  2. Place the whole chicken in the air fryer basket, breast side up.
  3. Cook the chicken for 20-25 minutes per pound. For example, if your chicken is 4 pounds, it will take approximately 80-100 minutes to cook.
  4. Flip the chicken halfway through cooking to ensure that it cooks evenly.
  5. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken. The temperature should read 165°F in the thickest part of the meat, without touching the bone.
  6. Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it from the air fryer and let it rest for 5-10 minutes before carving.

Remember that cooking times can vary depending on the size of the chicken and the specific air fryer model, so always check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure that the chicken is fully cooked and safe to eat.

air fry whole chicken

How often should I flip the chicken in the air fryer?

It’s generally not necessary to flip the chicken in the air fryer, as the hot air circulates around it and cooks it evenly. However, if you want to ensure that both sides of the chicken are evenly browned, you can flip it halfway through the cooking time. Just be sure to use tongs or a spatula to avoid piercing the skin and letting the juices escape.

The recipe for air fryer whole chicken to save or print

Air Fryer Whole Chicken

Air fryer whole chicken is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy this classic dish. It's easy to make and takes less time than traditional oven roasting.
Course Dinner
Cuisine American
Keyword air fry whole chicken, air fryer whole chicken, whole chicken fryer recipes, whole chicken in air fryer
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 6 Servings
Calories 202kcal
Author Alex


  • Air Fryer


  • 1 5 pound Whole chicken giblets removed
  • 2 Tablespoons avocado oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Kosher Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon Paprika I prefer smoked paprika
  • ½ teaspoon Dried basil
  • ½ teaspoon Dried oregano
  • ½ teaspoon Dried thyme


  • Combine all of the seasonings with the oil to make a paste and spread it all over the chicken.
  • Place the chicken in the basket breast side down and cook at 360F for 50 minutes. Flip the chicken to breast side up and cook for an additional 10 minutes.
  • Check to make sure the breast meat has an internal temperature of 165F. Carve and serve.


  • The nutrition information is for 4 ounces of air fry whole chicken
  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
Nutrition per serving
  • Calories: 200kcal | Protein: 17g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 4g
  • Nutrition is provided as a courtesy only. Please re-calculate on your own with the
  • ingredients and amounts you used for the most accurate data.

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